Working from home when you work in events |

As we’re all aware, a lot of us are now working from home. At The New Black Studio, we’re a completely remote team so we are well versed in the art of working from home when you work in events. It takes a while to form the right habits which enable you to work productively. Rebecca has been working from home since 2017, so we thought she was best placed to share some advice on working from home when you work in events. Part one of this two-part series focuses on habits, and part two will focus on actually planning events. Enjoy!

Get Dressed

The first habit of Working from home when you work in events is get dressed. I know this is a classic one that will be at the top of every single one of these articles, but it really does make a difference. I do know of some people work in suits which I personally think it way too far! My outfit of choice is gym wear. It’s comfy, but not too comfy to send you to sleep, and once you’re wearing it there’s more chance you’ll actually go to the gym later.

Download Hold 

We all know that our phones are really little boxes of temptation. That little ping of an Instagram notification is enough to send you off course for hours. Hold is an app designed to make you pick up your phone less. It blocks all calls and notifications until you unhold it, and you get 20 points for every 20 mins you don’t look at it. As we well know, points mean prizes. You can transfer them into all sorts of things, like discount codes, mystery prizes, and charity donations. Its handy timer will really make you realise just how often you go to pick up your phone. I put mine in work mode, so at the end of the day, I also get a lovely serotonin boost when I see how long I’ve worked for. 

Leave the house once a day

The third habit of Working from home when you work in events is to leave the house, at least once a day. Obviously, this is a lot more difficult under the current circumstances. For me personally, this is the most important thing to make sure I work well and also protect my mental health. I would normally go to the gym or to a meeting or something like that. Obviously we have to substitute that for other things. Try going for a bike ride, having a cup of tea in the garden, go for a walk or run, take the dog out, post a letter. Just getting outside of your house will help you concentrate for longer when you do sit down to work.

Open the Windows

I am aware it’s March, but for me personally getting a blast of fresh air in the house makes me feel so much more aware and alive. Team this with drinking a tone of water, and it’s a recipe for a great start to the day. 

TV, Podcasts and Music are OK

Personally, my brain can’t function if there’s too much going on. But sometimes, it works the opposite way. If I’m working on a mood board or something more artistic, I find I actually work better with a bit of TV on in the background. I don’t know why maybe it’s because it takes the pressure off creating. 

Working from home can be lonely, even if you have a partner or flatmates with you. Having a podcast in the background which you don’t need to pay attention too can sometimes help with loneliness. I recommend Private Parts, it’s easy to dip in and out of while you’re concentrating on work.

Create your space to work (if you can)

The hardest thing I found about working from home in a one-bed apartment was finding the space to work. My partner has also always worked from home, so my desk becomes the sofa. I found this unbelievably hard, as it just didn’t get me in the right frame of mind for working. As best you can, try and create yourself a little work haven. Having a space you actually want to sit at will drastically improve your productivity levels. I would recommend keeping this out of your living areas if you can so that you can create a degree of separation between the two. 

Take a lunch break, call your pals. 

Your level of social interaction is likely to be significantly lower than you may be used to, so it’s important to replicate the lunchroom as much as you can. Maybe make a pact with your pals outside of work, or your normal lunchtime friend, to facetime every day. Getting in that little bit of social interaction will not only boost your mood, but it will also give you a well-earned break from the desk.

Working from home when you work in events – Part Two

We hope that’s useful! Stay tuned for part two, which will be focussed on working from home when you work in events, and actually planning events.

If you’d like to speak to the team, get in touch today.

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